Course Calendar

Important information regarding Covid-19 for course participants at Swingum 2020!

Hello and welcome to a new exciting autumn with Swingum!

Given the current circumstances with Covid-19, we have modified the structure surrounding our courses, in order to adapt to the public health authority guidelines.

This implies that we will only offer courses in solo jazz and tap dancing. There will be a limited number of participants (12 participants + instructor), in order to maintain a safe distance between the dancers.

Everyone must take personal responsibility. We will follow the public health authority’s recommendations.

Information before you start the course:

  • We have ensured extra-long time between the courses and we recommend that you spend as little time as possible in connection to the course room for your course. Come prepared with your dance shoes tied and ready. All to reduce the number of people in a small area.
  • The instructor for each course will ensure that the material for each week is filmed and shared with the participants. We hope this will facilitate the decision to stay at home if you feel sick, without missing anything.
  • The symptoms of covid-19 have differed greatly for different persons, which means that you must feel completely healthy to participate.
  • Examples of symptoms have been cough, fever, dyspnoea, runny nose, nasal congestion, sore throat, headache, nausea, muscle-pain, joint-pain and loss of smell or taste.
  • If you have a confirmed Covid-infection, you must stay at home/not attend a course for at least 7 days. You should have been free from fever for at least the last two days and feel healthy. . (Dry cough and decreased sense of smell and taste may remain for a long time, but you should feel healthy.)
  • If you are ill but not confirmed with a Covid-infection, you must have been free from all symptoms (asymptomatic) for at least two days before you attend a course.
  • Face mask is not recommended by the public health authority, but it is your choice how you handle it. When dancing, you often get sweaty and a mask can then easily itch. This also increases the risk that you will scratch your face more frequently, which should be avoided from an infection control point of view.
  • Remember to wash your hands and bring your own water bottle.

Together we can help each other to create an educational, fun and innovative dance autumn where all participants feel safe.

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